Cilantro is commonly used in many heavy metal detoxification programmes. It's been found to remove
heavy metals from the body, and best of all, cilantro is inexpensive and does the job without any man-made chemicals.
Heavy metal detoxifying and Cilantro
Interesting article on the pH of the body and its effect on toxins
pH article
Very interesting article on sources, and how to dtox aluminium (this link is also under 'aluminium')
Dtox aluminium
Mercury from dental amalgams causing havoc in the water supply (NaturalNews 12/8/10)
Mercury article
Millions of Americans at risk from dental mercury, report says Thursday, January 27, 2011 by: Aaron Turpen, citizen journalist
Mercury report
U.S. government supports a phase-down of silver amalgam fillings Wednesday, April 20, 2011 by: Peggy Steele
Mercury phase down
Mercury in Medicine
A Report Prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness
Committee on Government Reform United States House of Representatives
Chairman Dan Burton May 2003
Mercury in Medicine
Evidence of parallels between mercury intoxication and the brain pathology in autism - A study from the USA (2012}
published in a Polish journal
Mercury article
Electromagnetic pollution - new research showing connection with diabetes (NaturalNews 10/6/10)
Electromagnetic smog
Formaldehyde now officially listed as cancer-causing chemical; here are the top sources of exposure
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 by: J. McDonough-Horton
Toxic chemical formaldehyde found in common personal care products Tuesday, January 24, 2012 by: Danna Norek
Formaldehyde sources